Cut the Clutter in 30 Days

In our previous blog posting,  Simple, Effective Approaches to Decluttering, we discussed simple, effective, low-stress approaches to decluttering your home. One of the approaches is using a 30-Day Declutter Challenge. In this post, we will outline this approach to help you make it a manageable and rewarding method of decluttering your home and winning back your space!

The 30-day declutter challenge is a popular approach to getting started on decluttering your home. It is a gradual process that helps you to get rid of clutter one day at a time. The idea behind this challenge is to break down the process into manageable steps over the course of a month, focusing on different areas or categories of items each day. This gradual approach not only makes the task feel less daunting, but also allows you to see consistent progress, which can help sustain your motivation through the process. Here’s how the challenge generally works, along with some examples:

How to Do the 30-Day Declutter Challenge:

  1. Create a Plan: Before you start, look at your home and identify areas that need decluttering. Make a list of different categories or rooms you want to tackle each day.
  2. Set a Schedule: Assign each category or room to a specific day on the calendar. This will help you stay organized and committed to the challenge.
    • Tip! Schedules can be tight, so don’t feel pressure to do it 30 days straight. Try doing it every other day or dedicate at least two days a week to the challenge until it is complete.
  3. Stick to the Plan: Now that you have a schedule, be sure to follow it. Follow your schedule and work in the designated area for the day. Be focused and avoid getting sidetracked by other areas.
  4. Allocate Time: Decide how much time you can dedicate each day to decluttering. It could be as little as 15 minutes or more, depending on your schedule and energy levels. In the end, just keep it manageable, so you don’t get overwhelmed!
  5. Gather Supplies: Get some boxes or bags for sorting items into categories like “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Trash.”
  6. Sort and Organize: As you go through each area, sort items into the appropriate boxes or bags.
    • Tip! Don’t forget to take action on the boxes. Donate what’s still in good condition, sell items if you choose, and properly dispose of anything that’s beyond use. Just be sure the boxes don’t become a long-term feature in your home!
  7. Reflect on Progress: Take a moment at the end of each day to appreciate your progress and the improved state of the decluttered area. This will help give you a sense of accomplishment and help keep you motivated.

Example 30-Day Declutter Challenge:

Here is an example list of 30 tasks in the 30-day declutter challenge:

Day 1: Clear out your junk drawer. (Tip! It can help to start with a small area to build momentum.)

Day 2: Declutter your kitchen cabinets.

Day 3: Go through your clothes closet.

Day 4: Declutter your bathroom.

Day 5: Organize your paperwork.

Day 6: Declutter your bedroom.

Day 7: Go through your kids’ toys.

Day 8: Declutter your garage.

Day 9: Declutter your pantry and organize your spices.

Day 10: Declutter your bookshelf.

Day 11: Go through your sentimental items.

Day 12: Declutter your linen closet.

Day 13: Clean out your refrigerator.

Day 14: Declutter your craft supplies.

Day 15: Go through your desk / home office.

Day 16: Declutter your sporting goods.

Day 17: Organize your photos.

Day 18: Declutter and organize your electronic items.

Day 19: Go through your makeup / accessories.

Day 20: Declutter your shoes.

Day 21: Organize your tools.

Day 22: Declutter your holiday decorations.

Day 23: Go through your pet supplies.

Day 24: Declutter your storage shed.

Day 25: Organize your digital space. (Files on your computer, delete old emails, and clean up your digital photos.)

Day 26: Declutter any miscellaneous items.

Day 27: Declutter the attic.

Day 28: Purge your closet again.

Day 29: Take action on your boxes.

Day 30: Celebrate your accomplishment!

Tip! You can customize the challenge to fit your own needs and priorities. For example, if you have a lot of clothes, you might want to declutter your closet over multiple days. Or, if you don’t have a lot of clutter, you might be able to complete the challenge in less than 30 days.

The 30-day declutter challenge is about making steady progress rather than aiming for perfection. By the end of the month, you’ll likely feel a sense of accomplishment and enjoy a more organized and serene living space.

Remember! Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be a daunting task! By following these approaches and tips, you can make the process simple, rewarding, and more enjoyable.

We hope this helps and sets you on a path to less stress and a decluttered home! Please contact us if you have any questions or need any assistance!

“Less Clutter – Less Stress. Make your space a Simple Space.”