The “Rule of Five” Deep Dive

The “Rule of Five” Deep Dive

In our previous blog posting (Simple, Effective Approaches to Decluttering), we discussed simple, effective, low-stress approaches to decluttering your home. One of the approaches is the Rule of 5. In this post, we will dig deeper into this approach to help you make it a potent and successful method of decluttering your home and winning back your space (and peace of mind)!

Rule of 5

The “Rule of 5” is a decluttering method that encourages you to get rid of at least 5 items in every room of your home. This can be a quick, easy, and stress-free way to make a big difference in the clutter level of your home.

To use the “Rule of 5”, simply start in one room of your home and go through the items in that room. Pick up each item and ask yourself the following questions:

If you answer “no” to one or some of these questions, then it’s time to consider getting rid of the item. You can donate it to a charity, sell it, or recycle it.

Here are some examples of items that you might want to get rid of according to the “Rule of 5”:

Here are some additional tips for decluttering using the “Rule of 5”:

Remember! Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be a daunting task! By following these approaches and tips, you can make the process simple, rewarding, and more enjoyable.

We hope this helps and sets you on a path to less stress and a decluttered home! Please contact us if you have any questions or need any assistance!

Less Clutter – Less Stress. Make your space a Simple Space.